




Polymnia's encounter with Avalokita

It is a tranquil summer evening in Oxford, England.

The bell from the University Church has rung seven times.

The city is still bright at seven o'clock,

when evensongs in the churches and college chapels are nearly finished,

a peaceful song just starts

from a small room in Balliol College,

The sound travels through the simple Gothic window,

to the top of Clarendon Building,

where Polymnia, the Muse of Sacred songs,

enjoys the beautiful sunset and the dreaming spires.

She is attracted by the holy tones.

She moves down slowly,

following the sound,

she sees a Bodhisattva

sitting on a Lotus flower.

It is Avalokita, the Bodhisattva of Compassion.

Polymnia sits,

with her usual meditating pose.

The song continues,

from a small group of people

chanting the Heart Sutra, the Supreme Mantra

to relieve all suffering.

It seems quiet between Polymnia and Avalokita.

It is the pure emptiness.

It is the Perfection of Wisdom.

It is what all living beings hope to attain,

the ultimate harmony and bliss.

Snowflake Books






在《The World Is a Bundle Of Hay》中。我畫了一幅我非常喜歡的插圖。是一隻母雞和好幾隻小雞快樂無憂無慮地走在一起,好像一個快樂的家庭,我覺得幸福就是這個樣子。多年以後,我有機會在Roy的新書《Summer people》我又可以用母雞和小雞畫一張幸福的家庭,只是這次我想挑戰不同的表現方式。

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